Monday, October 1, 2012

laid off...

i was laid off last week...i know, people expect this to be an oh-how-i-hate-my-ex-employer post. but not realy. i have made new scarves, and new patterns and am trying them out. i'm also training like a mad woman! my lil bro runs me ragged almost every weekend. for example, on friday, he and i went walking through to and through the town cemetery. we got the pants scared off of us in the oldest standing mausoleum.
We then went to this absolutely gorgeous catholic church. i'm no catholic, but man are the churches gorgeous! My bro and I walked three miles. He was complailing the whole time. it's really sad. he's more fit than i am and yet, i can walk farther than hi and not complain one bit.
On sun, bro and i played football and did training drills. oh yeah, hammy got physical. it was fun and tiring. i slept like a baby.

i also draw badass duct tape art. i'll explain that later. now, everyone wants to know what i look like, what i do for a living and where i live. hmmm...
i live ina studio apartment, drwing, knitting, and sharing my bed with a 10 pound cat. in new york. i sometimes work with live models and dead ones too....kidding.

in my head, my life is that awesome. here's the real deal. I live with my parents, draw, knit, share my bed with a 10 pound cat, and i lounge around. hehehe. i scare my parents with how much i knit. I do work with live bro, my cat, and my mom. i do use pics, and actual duct tape when i draw.

well, i need to go.....sigh* i have a sinkful of dirty dishes. remember: no lover will ever wait as faithfully for you as a sinkfull of dirty dishes.

working hard,

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